How do I control fleas on my pet?

With the advancement of flea control programs, fleas are no longer the nuisance they once were for you and your pet. One option is a topical liquid applied down the pets back which kills all fleas within 24 hours and continues killing them for 1 full month. We recommend Frontline Plus&Activyl. Daily vacuuming is very effective in treating the environment. (90% of the problem is environmental!)

Are flea collars effective?

Not really. Since they are placed around the neck of the pet, they usually cannot kill any fleas which are around the tail of your pet. And they contain unnecessary insecticides.

We have adopted a stray cat. Should I do anything special before I let it play with my other cats?

You should have the new cat examined by the veterinarian before exposing it to your cats. The new cat should be isolated from current cats for seven days and tested for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) and Feline Leukemia – two deadly diseases that could be transmitted to your cats. Also, we strongly recommend that you have your new cat vaccinated and checked for intestinal parasites (stool sample) as soon as possible.

If I neuter my cat, will he stop spraying my furniture?

When a cat sprays, he is exhibiting the male tendency to mark his territory with urine. Neutering decreases his male hormones and makes him much less likely to exhibit this undesirable trait (Although – neutering does not guarantee that he will stop spraying).

My cat is going to his litter box a lot and seems uncomfortable. What does that mean?

Cats are very prone to a condition called “feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD)”. Basically, it is a urinary bladder inflammation from crystals forming which can lead to urinary tract obstruction in male cats. The problem may exist by itself or may be accompanied by an infection. This is a serious condition and you should contact your veterinarian IMMEDIATELY.

What is a dogs or cats normal temperature?

Cats and dogs have a higher body temperature than ours, which is why they sometimes feel “hot” to the touch. Their normal body temperature is 100 – 102.8. The best way to see if your pet is running a fever is to take his temperature with a rectal thermometer. If you notice that your pet’s temperature is above normal, you should contact a veterinarian immediately.

My dog has diarrhea. What can I do?

If your dog is acting normally other than the diarrhea, then you can try withholding all food and water for 12 hours. After that time period, you can introduce small amounts of food at a time. However, if your dog is lethargic in any way or vomiting, you should call a veterinarian for an appointment. (Please bring a stool sample)

What are vaccines?

Vaccines are health products that trigger protective immune responses in pets and prepare them to fight future infections from disease causing agents. Vaccines can lessen the severity of future diseases and certain vaccines can prevent infection altogether. Today, a variety of vaccines are available for use by veterinarians.

My pet is scheduled for surgery. What do I need to do in preparation for their surgery, and what can I expect the day of surgery?

The night before your pets scheduled procedure, please do not feed your pet past 8:00pm and remove all water sources after 12:00 midnight. We ask that all patients receiving anesthesia, including all surgical and dental patients, arrive at the clinic between 9:00-9:30am. You may also drop-off your pet prior to closing the night before if that is more convenient. There is no extra charge for this service.

My dog has an ear problem can I pick up medication again?

If we have a pretty good handle on the type of infection (bacterial, yeast, mixed) and we’ve seen your pet within the past 12 months, we can refill.If the problem seems to be stubborn, treatments have not worked, if these infections keep recurring too quickly, or if it’s been more than 12 months since we’ve seen your pet, well probably want you to make an appointment. We may need to culture the debris.