Fleas are small, wingless parasites that feed on the blood of animals, including your pets. During flea season, they can become a real nuisance for pet owners as there is an increased risk of infestation. Preventing flea infestations is essential and will help keep your furry friends safe and comfortable.

Signs Your Pet Has Fleas

Signs your pet is affected by fleas include excessive biting, scratching, and licking of the skin and visible flea dirt (dark specks resembling pepper).

Treating Your Pet for Fleas

Untreated fleas can cause skin irritations and lead to other serious health issues for your pet, such as anemia, tapeworms, and secondary infections.

Preventing Fleas on Your Pet

There are several steps you can take to prevent fleas from infesting your pet:

  • Bathe or groom your regularly using a flea comb
  • Vacuum carpets, rugs, and furniture frequently
  • Wash bedding in hot water
  • Use a flea control product recommended by your vet

Taking proactive steps throughout flea season can help keep your pets flea-free and comfortable.

Consult with Your Veterinarian

Check-in with your veterinarian to learn which preventative steps are best for your pet’s specific needs, and remember – an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

It’s also important to be aware of other parasites, such as ticks, and the diseases they may transmit. Taking steps to prevent tick infestations is as important as protecting against fleas. Your vet can recommend products that help repel or kill fleas and ticks. Additionally, checking your pet for any signs of infection after spending time in a wooded or grassy area is always a good idea.

Following these simple steps, you can help protect your pet from the discomfort and potential harm of flea and tick infestations during flea season.

Contact the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro today to learn more!