Treating Your Pet’s Allergies

While you can’t avoid allergies for pets, you can control a variety of environmental factors that can affect your pet and aggravate their allergies.
Pets will experience discomfort in different areas depending on their allergies. In many cases, your pet’s skin will be the primary indication of an allergy.

What Types of Allergies Can My Pet Have?

There are several different kinds of allergies in pets, including, but not limited to:
  • Flea or insect allergy– Some dogs can have an allergic reaction when bit by an arachnid such as a spider or tick and insects such as bees, fleas, flies, ants, hornets, mosquitoes, etc. Flea saliva is the most common insect allergen for dogs and causes flea allergy dermatitis, which causes minor irritation in the area of the bite. Dogs will experience severe itching that could result in loss of hair, particularly near the base of their tail. The broken skin may also result in a bacterial infection.
  • Inhalant allergies– This refers to tree pollens, weed pollens, grass pollens, dust mites, mildew, and mold. Dogs can show signs of allergic rhinitis or bronchitis, but those affected will typically have skin irritation.
  • Food allergy– A food allergy or food hypersensitivity typically develops in response to dairy, protein (beef, chicken, lamb), gluten, wheat gluten, chicken eggs, and soy. This allergy can present with itching, digestive problems, and respiratory issues.

How Can I Tell My Pet has an Allergy?

Dog AllergiesYour pet reacts differently to allergies than humans do and will often show skin irritation. Here are some signs your pet may be suffering from an allergy:
  • Ear Infections– While not all ear infections are caused by allergies, this is a common sign your pet is having a reaction to an allergen. Since the inside of the ear contains skin, it can become infected and inflamed due to allergens. If your pet has been rubbing or scratching their ears, they may have an ear infection caused by allergies.
  • Itchy Skin– If your dog is itching more than usual, it may have allergies. In some cases, they may just be itchy in one spot, whereas in other cases, they could be itchy in multiple areas such as the groin, armpits, face, ears, rump, and paws. You may notice your dog licking these areas excessively if they have allergies.
  • Asthma– While not common, some pets may experience coughing or asthma due to allergies. Wheezing may also show up, but typically skin issues are more prominent.
  • Rashes/Hot Spots– Inflamed areas on the skin called hot spots can show up due to allergies which are caused by infection from bacteria penetrating the skin. These spots may lose hair and become sensitive to the touch; You will typically see these spots in the chest or hip area, and your pet may lick or itch them due to discomfort.
  • Stomach Issues– You may notice that your pet’s anal area is red and itchy due to allergies. You may also notice diarrhea, flatulence, and vomiting that could be caused by allergies. Additionally, your pet may lose its appetite if suffering from allergies.
  • Sneezing/Watery Eyes– You may notice redness on the face, tears, and sneezing caused by allergies in your pet. Typically, you will see redness in the body and paws, indicating allergies.

How Are Allergies in Pets Treated?

Flea/Insect Allergies
Strict flea control is recommended for dogs with flea allergy dermatitis. Using monthly flea preventatives and home treatments can help keep them at bay. At the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro, your veterinarian can provide you with tips on protecting your pets from fleas. If your pet is experiencing severe itching, we can prescribe antihistamines or corticosteroids to provide immediate relief.
Inhalant Allergies
Treatment for inhalant allergies will depend on the specific allergy season. Typically treatment will involve one of these three therapies for your pet:
Shampoo therapy– We recommend frequent bathing in hypoallergenic shampoo to help soothe your pet’s inflamed, itchy skin. This will also help to rinse allergens out of the fur before they can be absorbed through the skin.
Hyposensitization/Desensitization– With this treatment, we will inject a small amount of the antigen into your pet. This dosing will allow us to reprogram or desensitize your pet’s immune system. Keep in mind that success with this treatment may vary.
Anit-Inflammatory therapy- This includes treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs such as antihistamines or corticosteroids. We may also recommend fatty acid supplementation in their diets to help them respond better to medications. These medications work to block the chemical signals associated with itching.
Food Allergies
With food allergies, the main treatment is to identify the allergy and eliminate it from your pet’s diet. We will instruct you on how to perform a hypoallergenic diet to begin the process of elimination. It can take at least eight weeks for all food products to exit the body, so your dog will need to eat an exclusive diet for anywhere from eight to twelve weeks.
During this time, your pet cannot eat any table scraps, treats, or vitamins. Our team will work with you to help you with specific diets and restrictions we recommend for your pet.

Worried Your Pet Has Allergies? Call us Today!

If you suspect your pet is dealing with allergies, contact the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro today to make an appointment!

Traveling With Your Pets – Best Practices and Safety Tips

If you plan to be traveling with your pet this summer, the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro has put together some tips and tricks to help keep traveling with your pet safe and stress-free.

Make Sure Your Pet Has Proper Identification

Dog Identification tagNo matter where you are traveling to or how you travel there, you need to make sure your pet is microchipped for identification. You also want to make sure that your pet is wearing their collar with your name, phone number, and any other relevant contact information.

We also recommend that you place a temporary tag on their collar with your destination phone number and cell phone number for the length of your trip.

Tips for Traveling By Plane With Your Pet

Unless your pet is small enough to ride underneath your seat, we recommend avoiding air travel with your pets. If it is necessary to bring them along while flying, you will want to follow these tips:

Schedule a Veterinary Checkup

Before your trip, we recommend that you make an appointment for a routine checkup for your pet. This will ensure they are updated on all vaccinations and will allow you to obtain a health certificate from your veterinarian that will be dated within ten days of your trip.

During this appointment, our veterinarian can discuss ways that you can calm your pet before the flight in case they become anxious or afraid. If you are traveling outside of the U.S., be sure to check with the foreign office of the country where you are traveling for any additional planning or health care requirements.

Use a USDA-approved Shipping Crate

Travel CrateMake sure the crate is large enough for your pet to comfortably stand, sit, and turn around. You will also need to place some type of bedding in the crate, such as towels or shredded paper, to absorb any accidents.

You also want to tape a plastic bag of dried food into the crate, which will allow airline staff to feed your pet in case of a layover. You should also freeze a small water dish full of water. This will thaw out by the time they are thirsty during the flight. Keep the door securely closed, but do not lock it. Airline personnel needs to be able to access the crate if there is an emergency.

You also want to make sure the crate has proper identification. Be sure to make the crate with the words “Live Animal.” We also recommend you put your name, a photo of your pet, as well as your cell phone and destination phone number. We also recommend you keep a photo of your pet on hand while traveling in case they escape their crate.

Book A Direct Flight

Whenever possible, we recommend you book a direct flight when traveling with your pet. With a direct flight, you can reduce the chances that your pet is left on the tarmac during extreme weather or is mishandled by baggage staff during a layover.

Tips for Traveling With Your Pet By Car

If you are driving a long distance, there is more to traveling with your pet than just loading them into your backseat. Here are some tips to help you keep your pet safe out on the road:

Help Your Dog Get Used to The Car

Before a long trip, start by taking your pet on short drives and gradually increase the time they spend in the car. If you plan to travel across state lines, make sure you have your pet’s rabies vaccination record, as some states require proof at their interstate crossings.

Use Pet Carrier or Crate to Keep Your Pet Safe

Make sure the crate is large enough for the pet to stand, sit, and lie down. They should also be able to turn around in the crate. Secure the crate in the vehicle, so it doesn’t move when driving or coming to an abrupt stop. If you choose not to crate them, make sure your pet is secure by attaching their harness to the seat buckle. Do not allow them to ride with their head outside the window, as this could lead to injury.

Pack Your Pet a Travel Kit

When packing for your pet, make sure that you have a bowl, leash, food, waste bags and a scoop, medications, first aid, grooming supplies, and any important travel documents. You should also make sure to pack their favorite toy, blanket, or pillow. We recommend starting their feeding schedule a few hours prior to leaving with a light meal. Make sure to only give your pet bottled water as water from an unfamiliar area could cause an upset stomach.

Don’t Leave Your Pet Unattended in the Vehicle

Even if you leave the windows open, a vehicle can become as hot as a furnace on a hot day. When it comes to cold weather, the car can become like a freezer. Don’t put your pet at risk of heat stroke or freezing to death by leaving them in your vehicle unattended.

Schedule Your Pet’s Checkup Today!

At the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro, we can help you prepare your pet for travel. Contact us today to learn more!

When Should I Spay/Neuter My Dog?

When you get a new puppy, there are various things you need to do, from puppy-proofing your house to getting them their shots. In addition, you also need to make sure that your spay or neuter your pet to keep them healthy. Having your pet spayed or neutered can prevent various health issues, lower their risk for cancer, and overall increase their lifespan.

What is Spaying?

Spaying or Neutering Your PuppySpaying, also called ovariohysterectomy, is a surgical procedure where the ovaries and uterus are removed to sterilize a female dog. This will prevent the dog from being able to reproduce.

When Should I Spay My Female Dog?

For female dogs that weigh less than 45lbs, it is recommended that you spay them at 8 months of age. Female dogs weighing more than 45lbs should be spayed at 8-18 months depending on breed and mature size.

Why Should I Spay My Female Dog?

When you spay your dog, you can prevent unwanted litters and lower the dog’s risk of breast cancer.

If you spay them after growth stops, but after their first heat cycle, there is an increased risk of breast cancer and a decreased risk of certain cancers as well as bone, ligament, and joint problems. It can also lower the risk of urinary incontinence.

What is Neutering?

Neutering, also called castration, is a surgical procedure where both testicles are removed. This procedure sterilizes or makes the dog infertile and stops its ability to reproduce.

When Should I Neuter My Male Dog?

For male dogs that weigh less than 45lbs, it is recommended that you neuter them at 8 months of age. Male dogs weighing more than 45lbs should be neutered at 8-18 months depending on breed and mature size.

Why Should I Neuter My Male Dog?

When you neuter your dog at the recommended age, you may decrease the risk of certain cancers and bone, ligament, and joint issues common in some male dog breeds.

Schedule an Appointment for Spaying or Neutering Today!

We recommend speaking with your veterinarian at the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro today to determine the best time to spay or neuter your puppy! Contact us to learn more.

3 Most Common Allergies in Dogs and How You Can Tell If They Are Allergic

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from a variety of allergies. From skin allergies to food allergies, your dog may experience some type of allergy in its lifetime. Three of the most common allergies dogs suffer from are food allergies, skin allergies, and environmental allergens.
Food Allergies in Dogs
Food allergies are not as common as you may think. A true food allergy causes an immune response in your dog, with symptoms such as:
  • Skin conditions- Hives, itchiness, and facial swelling.
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms- Vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Combination of both skin and gastrointestinal symptoms.
In severe cases, anaphylaxis can occur.
What most people mean when they say their dog has a food allergy is that they have a food sensitivity or food intolerance. A food sensitivity will not elicit an immune response but rather a gradual reaction to an offending food ingredient in their daily meals. Common food intolerances include:
  • Eggs
  • Corn
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Milk
  • Beef
Food sensitivities can cause reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, itchiness, chronic foot or ear infections, etc. If you suspect your dog has a food allergy or sensitivity, be sure to discuss their symptoms with your veterinarian.
Skin Allergies in Dogs
Skin allergies are one the most common allergic reactions in dogs. Also called allergic dermatitis, skin allergies are often caused by food allergies, environmental allergens, and flea allergy dermatitis. Flea dermatitis is caused by an allergic reaction to flea bites due to an allergic reaction to the flea’s saliva. Symptoms of this condition include:
  • Extreme itching, especially near the base of the tail
  • Red, inflamed, scabbed skin.
  • Fleas/flea dirt
Skin Treatment for DogsYou will also notice itchy skin with food allergies. Dogs will typically itch their paws or ears and may experience gastrointestinal symptoms with a food allergy. When it comes to environmental allergens such as mold, pollen, or dust, your dog may suffer from an atopic allergic reaction or dermatitis. Typically, these are seasonal allergic reactions where you may notice your dog itching their paws, ears, ankles, muzzle, underarms, around the eyes, etc.
The biggest risk of skin allergies is a secondary infection due to scratching. Your dog may scratch open their skin, bite or lick it, putting themselves at risk for bacterial or yeast infections.
 Acute Allergic Reactions in Dogs
Much like humans, dogs can go into anaphylactic shock caused by a severe reaction to a certain allergen. This type of allergic reaction is very serious and can be fatal if not treated. Anaphylactic shock can be caused by things such as vaccines, medications, or bee stings. When your dog receives a new medication, food, or vaccine, be sure to keep a close eye on them. Look for symptoms such as:
  • Hives
  • Facial swelling
  • Swelling of the throat, lips, eyelids, or ear flaps.
These symptoms can often be treated with an antihistamine from your veterinarian. Anaphylactic reactions rarely occur in dogs, but it is always better to keep a watchful eye when trying new food, medication, or vaccine.
How Are Allergies Treated in Dogs?
Your veterinarian will recommend that you avoid the cause and allergen that is causing your dog to react. Treatment will depend on the type of allergy your dog suffers from. If it is a food allergy or sensitivity, you will need to change their diet, whereas if it is a flea allergy, your dog will need to be treated for fleas.
In addition to changing their diet or lifestyle, you may also need to administer them an allergy relief medication that will help control symptoms such as itchiness.
If your dog suffers from a severe allergic reaction, be sure to immediately take them to an emergency veterinarian for treatment.
To learn more about allergies in dogs or to make an appointment, contact the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro today!

Keeping Your Pet Safe This Holiday Season

The holiday season brings joy and celebrations with family and friends. The last thing anyone wants is for our pets to be harmed during this happy time of year. Rather than take a trip to the emergency vet this holiday season, follow these tips to keep your pet safe.

What Holiday Foods and Drinks Are Harmful to My Pet?

holiday hazards for your petThe holidays are full of tasty treats for humans, but many of them can be harmful to your pet. If you plan to give your pet treats over the holidays, make sure that they are formulated just for them. Some common holiday foods to avoid:
  • Sweets and baked goods- These treats are often too rich for pets, and worse, they are typically sweetened with xylitol. This artificial sweetener is commonly used in baked goods, and chewing gum has been known to cause liver failure and death in dogs.
  • Chocolate- The toxicity of chocolate for dogs and cats can depend on how much they ingest, what type of they ingest, and the size of your pet. In any case, it’s safer to keep chocolate out of reach for your pets.
  • Alcohol- This can be poisonous to pets and can lead to coma or death. Even the smallest amounts can be lethal. A small dog or cat can die from ingesting as little as one ounce of alcohol. Keep in mind alcohol can be used in baked goods, so be sure to keep them away from your pets as well.
  • Bread/Yeast dough- This can cause painful gas and potentially dangerous bloating in pets.
  • Turkey/turkey skin- Even in smaller amounts, pets who ingest turkey or turkey skin can develop pancreatitis.
  • Holiday dinner scraps- Onions, grapes, and raisins can all be poisonous to pets. Table scraps of rich foods such as meat fat, and gravy can result in your dog developing pancreatitis.

What Decorations are Dangerous for My Pet?

 While we love to decorate for the holidays with greenery, Christmas trees, and twinkling lights, without the proper precautions, these decorations can be harmful to your pets.
  • Christmas trees- Your pet could tip over your tree if they try to play with the ornaments or climb up the tree. Take the time to secure the tree with fishing line by tying it to a door frame or the ceiling. You should also avoid adding any aspirin, sugar, or other water additives to the water for your tree.
  • Lights- Electric lights can cause burns to pets who chew up the cords, so be sure they are out of reach of your pet.
  • Ornaments- If broken, ornaments can cause injuries, whereas ingested ornament can be toxic or lead to intestinal blockage. Any ornaments made of salt dough should be placed out of reach of your pets. Tinsel should also be kept away from pets as it can cause intestinal blockages if ingested.
  • Festive flowers and plants- Common festive plants such as mistletoe, balsam, poinsettias, pine, holly, and cedar can all be potentially poisonous to pets if they ingest them. Avoid buying them for the inside of the home or make sure they are out of reach of your pets.
Other items to keep away from pets include:
  • Small toys and batteries
  • Anti-freeze and ice melt
  • Pet sweaters with dangling parts

Have any Questions about Making Your Home Pet Safe?

Contact the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro today to learn more or to schedule your pet’s next check-up!