Vacations are Coming. Tips for Getting Your Pet Prepared for Boarding.

At the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro, we have seen firsthand the stress and anxiety that both pets and their owners experience when traveling. If you plan to travel with your pet where they need to fly with you, there are many things to consider to ensure they are safe and well cared for.

With proper preparation and planning, however, you can make the journey easier for you and your pet. Here are some tips to help you get your pet ready for boarding and ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Visit Your Veterinarian Before Traveling

Before embarking on any journey with your pet, scheduling a visit with your veterinarian is important. They can perform a thorough check-up and ensure your pet is healthy for travel. They can also provide necessary vaccinations and medications for your pet’s specific needs.

This is also a good time to discuss any potential health concerns or behavior issues during travel.

What to Consider When Travelling By Air

If you are traveling by air, research the airline’s pet policies policies and requirements. Some airlines have restrictions on the size and breed of animals they allow, as well as specific rules for carriers and documentation.

For example, some airlines will require a health certificate from your veterinarian within a certain time frame before the flight. Knowing these requirements beforehand is important to avoid any last-minute stress or complications.

Choose the Right Pet Carrier

Travel Carrier for Pets on a PlaneChoosing the right carrier for your pet when traveling by air is essential. The carrier should be big enough for your pet to stand, turn around, and lie comfortably. It should also be well-ventilated and secure. Typically, airlines will require the carrier to be hard or soft-sided. On many airlines, for the pet to be brought on board, they must fit in the carrier under the seat and remain in the carrier for the duration of the flight. Larger pets who do not meet these requirements will need to be transported through the airline’s cargo.

Some airlines may also have breed restrictions for the cabin or the cargo hold due to the pet’s ability to handle the flying conditions. Other airlines have banned breeds such as pit bulls from flying at all, so be sure to check the guidelines of your specific airline.

If your pet is anxious or not used to being in a carrier, it’s important to acclimate them to it before the trip. This can help reduce their stress levels during travel. Tips for acclimating them to the carrier include:

Include their familiar items, such as their favorite blanket or toy, inside their carrier
Gradually increasing the amount of time they spend in the carrier each day
Taking short trips in the car with them in the carrier to get them used to movement and noise.

Have a Plan for Layovers and Connecting Flights

If your flight includes layovers or connecting flights, make sure to have a plan for your pet during these times. Some airports have designated pet relief areas where you can let your pet out of their carrier to use the bathroom and stretch their legs.

Alternatively, you may want to consider booking a direct flight to avoid layovers altogether.

Pack the Essentials for Your Pet

Just like you would pack for yourself, make sure to pack all of your pet’s essentials for the trip. This includes food, water, treats, medication, and important documents such as vaccination records.

Packing a favorite toy or blanket for your pet is also a good idea to help them feel more at ease during the journey.

Is Flying Stressful for Pets?  

For many pets, flying can be a stressful experience. The unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells can cause anxiety and fear. It’s important to be aware of your pet’s behavior during the journey and to provide them with comfort and reassurance as needed.

If you are concerned about your pet’s stress levels, talk to your veterinarian beforehand about potential calming techniques or medications that may help.

Know Your Pet’s Limits During The Trip

Carrying Dog in Pet CarrierWhile bringing your pet along for your vacation activities may be tempting, it is important to consider their limits. Some pets may not do well in crowded or unfamiliar environments, so give them breaks and time to rest when needed.

It is also important to never leave your pet unattended in a car, as they can easily become overheated. If you plan on participating in activities that do not allow pets, make sure to have a plan for their care and comfort.

Be Prepared for Emergencies

Just like with any trip, preparing for potential emergencies is important. Have a first aid kit for your pet that includes bandages, antiseptic spray, and any necessary medications. It is also a good idea to research the closest emergency veterinary clinic at your destination in case of any urgent medical needs.

Consider Alternative Options

Consider alternative options if your pet cannot fly with you or the journey seems too stressful. Many pet owners find it easier to leave their pets with a trusted friend or family member or hire a pet sitter to care for them while away. This way, your pet can remain in a comfortable and familiar environment while you enjoy your vacation without worry.

Have Questions About Travelling With Your Pet? Call Us Today!

When done correctly, traveling with your pet can be a fun and rewarding experience. Following these tips and properly preparing your pet for boarding can ensure a safe and stress-free journey for you and your furry friend. Always prioritize your pet’s well-being and make decisions based on their needs.

You and your pet can enjoy a fantastic vacation together with extra planning and preparation. Contact The Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro today to schedule an appointment!

Arthritis Pain Treatments for Pets FAQ

1 in 5 dogs will have arthritis in their lifetime, whereas an estimated 12 million cats will also have a degenerative joint disease that causes pain and inflammation in the joints. Thankfully, medications are available to help relieve this pain and improve your pet’s quality of life.
This article will discuss two popular arthritis relief products for pets:
Librela and Solensia. We will also answer some commonly asked questions about these medications to help you make an informed decision for your furry friend.

Signs Your Pet Has Arthritis

Some common signs that your pet may have arthritis include:
  • Limping or favoring a leg
  • Difficulty getting up from a lying position
  • Stiffness or lameness, especially after exercise
  • Reluctance to jump, run, or climb stairs
What Age Is My Pet at Risk of Arthritis?  
Arthritis Treatments for PetsArthritis can occur at any age but is more commonly seen in older pets. Larger breed dogs are also at a higher risk due to their size and weight, putting more pressure on their joints. Cats, on the other hand, typically develop arthritis later in life.
What is Librela?
Librela is a prescription medication that is a monthly injection of anti-nerve growth factor (NGF) monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapy that helps treat osteoarthritis (OA) pain in dogs.
What is Solensia?
Solensia is another prescription medication used to relieve arthritis pain in cats. This medication is an injected monoclonal antibody therapy that is administered monthly by your veterinarian.
How Do I Know If My Pet is a Candidate for Arthritis Treatment? 
If your pet shows any of the signs mentioned earlier, it is best to consult your veterinarian. They will be able to determine if your pet has arthritis and if they are suitable for treatment. Your veterinarian will look for any underlying conditions that may affect the treatment, such as kidney or liver disease.

Frequently Asked Questions About Librela and Solensia

At The Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro, we’ve received various questions about arthritis medications: Librela and Solensia. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions and their answers:
Can Librela and Solensia be used long-term? 
Yes, both Librela and Solensia can be used for long-term management of arthritis pain in pets. However, monitoring your pet’s health and reporting any potential side effects to your veterinarian is essential. They may recommend regular blood tests to monitor your pet’s liver and kidney function.
What are the potential side effects of these arthritis medications? 
Arthritis Pain CycleAs with any medication, there is a risk of side effects. Common side effects of Solensia include vomiting, diarrhea, pain at the injection site, or itchy skin. Some possible side effects of Librela include skin irritation, vomiting, and urinary tract infection.
Are there any precautions I should take when giving these medications to my pet? 
Following your veterinarian’s instructions when administering Librela or Solensia to your pet is essential. These medications should not be given to pregnant or nursing animals, and it is important to disclose any other medications your pet is taking to avoid potential drug interactions.
Can I give my pet over-the-counter pain relievers instead of Librela or Solensia? 
No, giving your pet over-the-counter pain relievers without consulting with your veterinarian is not recommended. Certain human medications can be toxic to pets, and only your veterinarian can prescribe the appropriate medication for your pet’s specific needs.
What are the benefits of using Librela and Solensia? 
Both Librela and Solensia can provide great relief for pets suffering from arthritis pain. Some of the benefits include:
  • Reduction in pain, swelling, and stiffness
  • Improved mobility and quality of life
  • Long-lasting effects with just one dose a month
Can I give Librela or Solensia to my cat or dog? 
Librela is specifically formulated for dogs, while Solensia is only suitable for cats. It is important to always consult with your veterinarian before giving any medication to your pet, as they can determine the best treatment plan based on their age, weight, and medical history.
How long does it take for Librela or Solensia to start working? 
The onset of action for both Librela and Solensia can vary, but most pets experience relief within the first few days of starting treatment. However, it is important to note that every pet may respond differently to these medications, and it may take a few weeks to see the full benefits.
Can I Use Other Medications with Librela or Solensia? 
It is always important to consult your veterinarian before using any other medications with Librela or Solensia. These medications may interact with certain drugs and can cause adverse effects in your pet. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the best treatment plan for your pet and if it is safe to use alongside other medications.
How often should I give Librela or Solensia to my pet? 
Both Librela and Solensia are typically given once a month by your veterinarian.

Have Questions About Arthritis Treatment? Call Us Today!

Arthritis pain can greatly impact the quality of life for our furry friends, but with the help of medications like Librela and Solensia, we can relieve them of these painful symptoms and improve their mobility. As always, you must consult your veterinarian before starting any new medication for your pet to ensure their safety and well-being.
Hopefully, this article has answered some of the commonly asked questions about these arthritis pain treatments for pets and helped you make an informed decision for your beloved companion. So, the next time your furry friend suffers from arthritis pain, remember that effective treatments are available to help them feel better. Contact The Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro today to learn more!

2 New Treatments for Arthritis Pain for Dogs and Cats

As the proud owner of a cat or dog, you would want them to be healthy and happy for as long as possible. However, just like humans, animals are also susceptible to diseases, one of which is arthritis. Arthritis is a condition that affects the joints’ flexibility and movement, making it challenging and painful for pets to move around.

As pets enter their golden years, they become more prone to this condition, leading to decreased mobility and aversion to activities they once loved. But the good news is that there are now new treatments for arthritis in pets called Solensia and Librela that can help alleviate their pain and discomfort.

This blog will discuss what arthritis in pets is, what causes it, the signs to look out for, and how the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro can help.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of cats and dogs worldwide. It is a degenerative process affecting the joints that can cause inflammation, pain, and limited mobility. One of the leading causes of arthritis in pets is age. As pets age, their joints and bones weaken, leading to arthritis. Genetics and obesity can also increase the risk of arthritis in pets.

The Signs of Arthritis in Dogs and Cats

As a pet owner, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of arthritis in dogs and cats so that you can get the right medical attention when necessary.

In dogs, the signs of arthritis may include difficulty getting up, limping, excessive scratching or licking of affected areas, reluctance to play, and stiffness after rest. They may also have difficulty going up or down stairs or climbing onto or off the couch.

In cats, arthritis signs may include laziness or decreased mobility, reluctance to climb or jump up on surfaces, grooming less frequently, avoidance of being stroked or petted, and limping. Cats hide pain very well, but you will notice changes in their behavior when things like playing, jumping, or walking up the steps become more difficult for them.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, visiting a veterinarian as soon as possible is essential.

Can Arthritis Be Reversed?

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for arthritis in pets. However, with the right treatment plan tailored to your pet’s needs, you can help improve their quality of life and manage their pain.

Your veterinarian may recommend medications, supplements, or physical therapy to reduce inflammation and ease discomfort. Additionally, changes to a pet’s diet may be recommended as well.

How is Arthritis Treated in Pets?

Now, onto the good news: two new treatments are available that can help alleviate your pets’ arthritis pain and discomfort. Solensia and Librela are two new treatments that have proven effective in clinical trials.

Solensia for Cats

Solensia is specifically formulated for cats and is an injectable solution your veterinarian gives that reduces joint inflammation, leading to decreased pain and increased mobility.

This treatment is administered once a month at your vet’s office and works with the antibodies your cat naturally makes to reduce pain signals. During the injection appointment, your veterinarian will also reevaluate your cat’s pain and mobility and make any necessary adjustments to their treatment.

A study was conducted that showed improvements in mobility as early as 14 days into treatment with Solensia. A 3-month study showed that 77% of cat owners saw improvement in their cat’s pain when treated monthly with Solensia, and it has been shown to increase mobility in cats after just one treatment.

Librela for Dogs

Librela is formulated for dogs and is an injection that helps control arthritis pain and reduce inflammation. This treatment has been approved as safe and is metabolized and eliminated by your dog’s body in a way similar to naturally occurring antibodies and requires minimal involvement of the kidneys or liver.

In two clinical studies, one in the US and one in the EU, with a total of 559 dogs, this treatment was shown to reduce arthritis pain in dogs and improve their overall quality of life. When beginning treatment, some dogs may see improvement within seven days of the first dose, while other dogs may not feel the effects until their second dose.

Since the approval of Solensia and Librela for treating arthritis, many pet owners have reported significant improvements in their pets’ mobility and overall quality of life. With these new treatments, you can enjoy more time with your furry friends, watching them run, play, and explore the world again.

Can My Pet’s Arthritis Be Treated?

If your pet has been diagnosed with arthritis, there are numerous treatments available to help manage and lessen the symptoms. Talk to your veterinarian about Solensia and Librela as part of a comprehensive plan for managing your pet’s condition.

In addition to medications, good nutrition and regular exercise can also help keep your pet feeling their best. With the right combination of treatment options, you can keep your furry friend in peak condition!

What Should I do if I Think My Pet has Arthritis?

Arthritis is a painful and debilitating condition that can significantly impact your pet’s mobility and quality of life. However, with new treatments such as Solensia and Librela, you can help your pet manage their pain and increase mobility.

As a responsible pet owner, look out for the signs of arthritis in your pet and visit a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. With the help of these new treatments and proper care and attention, your pet can continue to live a happy and healthy life.

Make an Appointment at The Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro Today!

At The Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro, we provide comprehensive medical care for all types of pets. Our experienced veterinarians can provide a thorough assessment of your pet and develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to their unique needs.

We strive to make sure that our patients stay as healthy and comfortable as possible, so call us today to make an appointment. By taking action now, you are providing the best possible care for your beloved furry friends!

Dental Tartar and Gingivitis and the Effects on Your Pet’s Health

Dental tartar and gingivitis are two common dental conditions affecting your pet’s oral health. These conditions can lead to discomfort, pain, and potential health issues if left untreated.

As a responsible pet owner, it is essential to understand these conditions, how to identify them, and the steps you can take to treat and prevent them. These issues are often caused by a buildup of plaque and bacteria in your cat or dog’s mouth due to poor oral hygiene, which can lead to inflammation and infection if not properly managed.

What is Dental Tartar?

Dental Care for DogsDental tartar, also known as dental calculus, is a mineralized plaque that forms on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that builds up on the teeth and can eventually harden into tartar if not removed. It typically appears yellow or brown and can accumulate along the gumline and between the teeth.

Signs Your Pet May Have Dental Tartar

One of the most noticeable signs of dental tartar is bad breath. If your pet’s breath has a foul odor, it could be an indication of dental issues. Other signs may include yellow or brown discoloration on the teeth, swollen or red gums, difficulty eating, and excessive drooling.

Risks of Leaving Dental Tartar Untreated

If left untreated, dental tartar can lead to serious health issues for your pet. Bacteria and plaque buildup can cause gum disease, tooth decay, and even tooth loss. Bacteria from the tartar can also enter the bloodstream and potentially affect other organs in the body.

Treating Dental Tartar

The most effective way to treat dental tartar is through professional dental cleaning by a veterinarian. This involves the removal of plaque and tartar using specialized tools and techniques. Sometimes, your veterinarian may also recommend antibiotics or other treatments if there are signs of infection.

Prevention is Key to Avoiding Tartar

Prevention is always better than treatment when it comes to dental health. Regular at-home dental care, such as brushing your pet’s teeth and providing dental chews or treats, can help remove plaque and prevent tartar buildup.

It is also important to schedule regular dental cleanings with your veterinarian to ensure any tartar buildup is removed before it becomes a severe issue.

What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums and is often a precursor to more serious dental issues. It is most commonly caused by plaque buildup along the gumline, which can irritate and inflame the gums.

If left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease that can cause irreversible damage to the gums and teeth.

Signs Your Pet May Have Gingivitis

The signs of gingivitis are similar to those of dental tartar and may include bad breath, red or swollen gums, bleeding gums, and difficulty eating. You may also notice your pet pawing at their mouth or avoiding food due to the discomfort.

Risks of Leaving Gingivitis Untreated

If gingivitis is left untreated, it can lead to more serious dental issues such as periodontitis. This can cause damage to the supporting structures of the teeth, leading to tooth loss and potential infection.

How to Treat Gingivitis

Similar to dental tartar, professional dental cleaning by a veterinarian is the most effective way to treat gingivitis. Your veterinarian may also recommend antibiotics or other treatments depending on the severity of the condition. It is crucial to address gingivitis early to prevent it from progressing to more severe issues.

Preventing Gingivitis

Regular at-home dental care and professional dental cleanings are the best ways to prevent gingivitis. Brushing your pet’s teeth, providing dental treats or chews, and using a water additive can help keep plaque at bay. Regular checkups with your veterinarian can also catch early signs of gingivitis and prevent it from progressing.

How Often Should I Brush My Pet’s Teeth?

Brushing their teeth at least 2-3 times a week is recommended to maintain good oral health for your pet. However, if your pet is prone to dental issues or has already had dental treatments, you may need to brush more frequently. Your veterinarian can provide guidance on the best oral care routine for your specific pet.

Your dog should have professional cleanings done at least once a year, while cats may require cleanings every 2-3 years. Again, this can vary depending on your pet’s needs and should be discussed with your veterinarian.

Tips for Cleaning Your Pet’s Teeth at Home

Use a pet-specific toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for pets. Human toothpaste can be harmful if ingested by your pet.

Start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you spend brushing each day to get your pet used to the process.

Focus on the gumline, as this is where plaque and tartar tend to accumulate.

Reward your pet with praise or treats after brushing to create a positive association.
If your pet is resistant to brushing, consider using dental wipes or oral rinses as an alternative.

What if My Pet Won’t Let Me Brush Their Teeth?

If your pet is resistant to brushing their teeth, there are other options available. As mentioned previously, dental wipes and oral rinses can be used instead. Providing dental chews or treats may also help remove plaque and prevent tartar buildup. If you are having difficulties getting their cooperation, be sure to speak with your veterinarian for tips on getting them used to the process and other options to ensure their dental health is cared for.

Make an Appointment Today!

Dental tartar and gingivitis are common conditions that significantly affect your pet’s oral health. By understanding the signs, risks, and treatment options for these conditions, you can ensure your pet’s teeth and gums stay healthy. Remember to prioritize regular at-home dental care and professional cleanings to prevent these issues from developing or worsening.

Oral health is an integral part of your pet’s overall well-being, and with proper care, you can help keep them happy and healthy for years to come. So, make sure to give your furry friend’s teeth the attention they deserve. Schedule an appointment with the Animal Medical Center of Streetsboro for a checkup, or call today with any questions about your pet’s oral health!